2021-02-18 - How to run a bar with Azure Service Bus

How to run a bar with Azure Service Bus

In these covid-times we all miss our legendary moments in the local pub. But did you know you could build your own bar in Azure?

This session will provide you the means to start your own bar using Azure Service Bus!

  • Order drinks and serve drinks (Enqueue messages)
  • Process orders and do ad fundums like a pro (Dequeue messages)
  • Take place and leave the bar as you have never been done before (Management through the SDK)

Jerry Van EchelpoelSpeaker: Jerry Van Echelpoel is a Technical Consultant sporting more than 14 years of experience. He’s currently active as the technical lead of the Zanzibar-team in the Realdolmen DevOps Factory where he focuses on delivering performant and high-end cloud applications. He’s also a versatile member of the Microsoft Compentence Center Board taking up various tasks, among which the coaching of colleagues on both a technical and personal level is a prominent one.

Jerry on Twitter: @Qlurichaun

Video recording


