2013-05-06 - Alan Smith - Web Site Authentication with Social Identity Providers

Windows Azure Websites allow developers to provision and deploy web applications to the cloud in seconds. The new ASP.NET Universal Providers in .NET 4.5 allow membership and profiles to easily be stored in Windows Azure SQL Databases. The Windows Azure Access Control Service enables websites to use social identify providers, such as Google, Yahoo and Windows Live ID to authenticate web users. .NET 4.5 also includes Windows Identity Foundation classes as part of the core functionality. Four great new technologies, but how can they all play ball together?

In this demo intensive session Alan will use a community website as a scenario and focus on how authentication, registration and profile management can be implemented. The use of ACS and claims based authentication will be covered along with the transformation of claims using both rules and ACS and code. The extensibility of Windows Identification will be covered along with the integration with the ASP.NET Universal Providers to allow users to create site profiles.

Speaker: Alan Smith works as a developer, trainer, mentor and evangelist in Stockgolm where he specializes in Windows Azure development and training. He is one of the lead contributors to the Azure development community. In October 2011 he published the first edition of “The Windows Azure Service Bus Developer’s Guide”, a free e-book that will evolve over time to cover all the Windows Azure Service Bus technologies as they are introduced into production. In 2012 he took the initiative to organize “Cloud Burst 2012”, a free user group conference featuring two days of sessions from six international presenters. He is a regular presenter at conferences and user groups, and co-runs the Sweden Windows Azure Group (SWAG). He has held the Microsoft MVP award for eight years.
• The Developer’s Guide to AppFabric e-book: https://www.cloudcasts.net/devguide
• Website: https://www.CloudCasts.net
• Blog: https://geekswithblogs.net/asmith
