2013-04-02 - Real world architectures on Windows Azure - VoxVoi

So you want to have your software-as-a-service running on Windows Azure. Good choice! Although there are some things to consider. In this session, the creators of Goeleven.com, MyGet.org and VoxVoi.com will share their insights and war stories on the platform: how to get the application up and running? Which architecture to use for which workload? How to make the operational cost as low as possible? Make sure to fire any question you have to our speakers!

Panagiotis KefalidisSpeaker: Panagiotis Kefalidis is a Software Development Consultant/Architect and Trainer. He has been a speaker at domestic and international events such TechEd and ITProDevConnections, delivering trainings and consulting on cloud computing and the Windows Azure Platform for almost 3 years. He also has experience with other cloud platforms like AWS, Google Gears and others. He's a supporter of the EuroCloud movement, likes Pizza, Sushi and fast cars. Born and raised in Greece but currently living and working at Belgium for Devoteam BE.. He is currently a Windows Azure MVP.
