2011-05-12 - A Windows Azure Instance – What is under the hood?

Session info

Did you ever wonder what is going on inside an instance of Windows Azure? How does it get the notification from the Fabric controller? How do they communicate and what kind of messages they exchange? Is it all native or there is a managed part? We’ll make a quick overview of what an instance is, what is happening when you click the deploy button and there proceed to an anatomy.. This is a highly technical hardcore session including tracing, debugging and tons of geekiness. Very few slides, lots of live demos.

Panagiotis Kefalidis

Speaker:Panagiotis Kefalidis is a Software Development Consultant/Architect and Trainer. He has been a speaker at domestic and international events such TechEd and ITProDevConnections, delivering trainings and consulting on cloud computing and the Windows Azure Platform for almost 3 years. He also has experience with other cloud platforms like AWS, Google Gears and others. He's a supporter of the EuroCloud movement, likes Pizza, Sushi and fast cars. Born and raised in Greece but currently living and working at Belgium for Devoteam BE.. He is currently a Windows Azure MVP.

Practical details

Event date: May 12, 2011 - starts at 18:00

Ordina Belgium
Blarenberglaan 3B
B-2800 Mechelen

Route map (make sure to print this as the location is not listed on most GPS devices)

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